Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Justifying the Means

Ok, in order to have a picture, I must post a picture. (I'm learning as I go, obviously.) There. Now I've uploaded a picture. Very exciting, that was. And now that I have posted a picture, I may use it for my profile. This combination of picture + words means that I am now officially a "blogger". I blog, therefore I am? I have read that there are now millions of blogs on the web, but I think that many of them are hardly read by anyone besides the person who writes them. You can see that this is true by looking at some peoples' blogs and seeing that nobody much has commented on the posts. Maybe once in a while there will be a comment or two, but not often. And some blogs have comments on every post, sometimes dozens of comments. These are often famous people, who may be famous for their blogs, or for something else that they have done before they started their blog. Often the people who get the most comments get them because they say something worth discussing. I am not really discussing anything, so there will be no comments about this post. I am only posting so that I can practice putting a picture in, then adding words around it, and seeing what it looks like all together. Other than that, this tiny rectangle on the web only exists because I got really dejected today while reading extremely ignorant conservative blogs. So to clear my head, there is now a nice neutral space here. This is the Switzerland of blog posts. Here, it is neutral. There is no judge. ..........................................Blog just IS.

1 comment:

Ann4mation said...

What happens if I post a comment? I'm more than half-asleep and this seems like an interesting experiment. What's that? ...On the radio it says that West Nile Virus is in Medford, Oregon but it's no big deal. Ok. I won't worry.